You Will Not Find It If You Dont Know What You Are Looking For
the only thing worth measuring - walk across - now - rainbow cage - she said revylvenohroes you - redline - very urgent - pinkeye - i hate the same part you do - that wont make it better - ecombe - we are all still here - light candle and maybe the ghost will leave - dont close the window - i wont blame you - crooked teeth bent from biting - you should have learned to talk by now - you are responsible for yourself - sheaskedaliceawolfappearlikeacattwowheeoneinwonderlandeverythingisworthrememberinglikemagicchangingshapeandbecominganimalsafawnandawolf
60" x 24" on wood
acrylic, oil pastel, pencil and collage
NOTE: Prices do not include shipping, which ranges from $15-40 for most paintings. Shipping will be invoiced separately once I know your location. I use either FedEx Ground or trackable US mail.
Please email for a shipping quote.