The Separation of Rats And Men
unconventional tools - remove your shoes- he will make his own rules with a hammer and a knife - elephant horse - remember everything - let your true brain move you - free - resisting yourself is a waste - knowing what is precious and what is not - choosing is engaging in freedom - building - big words only confuse - riddles are for kings - birthday hat wizzards cap - hot air balloons and a glass house - horse shoulders build stairs - the horse traded his hammer for freedom - a door within a door - true progress means letting go - progress happens when u act freely - the horse carried the staircase while holding a lock and a sword under his own order running thru water - evrerse imunillati a wen boko - a wen rodre - guardian -
clouds reside at the tops of mountains - pigman, taker, a crows note - snakes and charmers sit at the stairs - the rain is greatest near the top - waterfall - volcanoe - you know - i know - the horse gave the hammer to the mountain - staircase - your turn - rook to bishop twelve - the difference between diamonds and jade - gold comes from the sky - you can search for old books - or write your own - king me - born of your own hands - the fox spoke - the horse made no reply - the hammer was struck - time could not be stopped or changed - a second would never remain - fresh water came from the top - it was not fresh at the bottom - everything is choice - nothing has to be done - be aware of your choice at all times - knights and peddlers - a hammer traded for freedom - excaliber - a hammer and a dagger - a temple of stairs that stood on the sea - choose to be what you are - open - a door within a door - 2 birds 2 stones set free - nothing more motivating than princess - spider webs tangling into a net - a team rather than a - sending notes to heros - the truth itself is magic - one on top of the other - stepping on all that lies before - you know the math - you know the treasure - you know the truth - work and spirit and love and truth and self - ego - equals - ability - when free you will know who you are - how did you get here - one instance brings many lessons - its all what you pay attention to - hearts, dollars, fear, truth
96" x 72" on wood
acrylic, oil pastel, pencil
NOTE: Prices do not include shipping, which ranges from $15-40 for most paintings. Shipping will be invoiced separately once I know your location. I use either FedEx Ground or trackable US mail.
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