sitting at the end of the universe watching rainbows being born
much like sitting on the porch on a nice night... if you cant explain it it might be magic - levitating crystal balls - generating rainbows from ribbons - 2 snakes watch - Pinoccio mask floats ahead - time machine - fragment generator - old blue converse shoes - yellow submarine - kaleidescope - wizzard remember magic isnt free - it takes time and energy - work and money are not magic - they are a bi product of magic - work more magic - this is what spins non sense into sacred - what is so sacred about geometry - remember there are many games - few masters - and even fewer wizzards - the king and wizzard are peers - the wizzard is on a plane separated from hierarchy as he knows something even kings do not - its more than words or actions it is being something else... sit relax - you earned it - rushing is wasteful now - there is no need to run around - slow - the snakes head turned in a circle - now two - one looking you in the eyes - one carrying you on its head - magic should become easier with practice - apparently - from least to greatest - its hard for him to sit... snake leg revealed - looking back at yourself - sit - made of clouds - it can be seen in your face - you have wasted little time - remember the goal - remember the cure - create things you are proud of - everything else is stuff you do to survive - do the things that make you want to create - business is not pleasure... rainbow boy sitting next to horse - rain in between - hands hanging low - Pinoccio - castle boy - wizzard stack - icecream men approaching - knees bent like rainbow falls - relax - its still not time to run... snake leg - snake in front does not need to balance eggs on its head - Humpty Dumpty knee caps - hes an egg hes a stone - Poseidon statue - why now why twice - sword from the stone - stories in glass - spaces between - snake eyes... lava window - rainbow leg - relax - horse looks back like a shepherd - ghost of Buddy - invisible throne - arm falling all the way to the ground - sitting becoming molecules - the space between - fluid
96" x 72" on wood
acrylic, oil pastel, pencil
NOTE: Prices do not include shipping, which ranges from $15-40 for most paintings. Shipping will be invoiced separately once I know your location. I use either FedEx Ground or trackable US mail.
Please email for a shipping quote.