Trading Coins with Horses
Invisible unicorn-Giant fades-Stallion emerges-Wolf inside-Cave in the clouds-3 moons-Becoming surrounded by flowers-Remembering magic-No one talks about it on the news-Its unquantifiable -That doesn't make it non existent-That only makes it special and specific-Exactly-Its separate from rules-It requires belief and you need to actually care and engage in it-Interruptions and non believers are everywhere-Pay no mind-Follow your feelings-Changes paths when you no longer feel-Choose full fillment-Do not accept powerlessness-You are not powerless your just giving up-There is no reward to be found here-You only live once-Make it count-long way around-Wide angle-Long form-Seeing the beginning from the end-Trading flowers-Beehive-He Steps ahead of mountain-Mountain ahead of mountain-Stallion sits with house on back-Many the same changed-Here now-Different and the same-Bubblegum chest-Triangles on there side-The wolf still remains in the kidney of the stallion-Unicorn horns behind flowers-Accomplishments written in the sand waiting for the wind to blow-Gold is in the sky-Stop digging holes-There is gold in the sky-Stopping looking down-Just because you see a ghost doesn't mean you should acknowledge it-Do not run from ghosts-Simply look and shake your head-Give them nothing-As they will take anything-Their time has past-Do not open space for them-You owe no excuses for their mistakes-Onward-700 years no longer seems that long ago-The sweeper of stardust lives at the highest point-Cactus were just being born-Waiting with pins-Gold are the mountains that were below the sea-Whales with fingers-sifted through sand for shells-The earth still took breath from volcanoes-No broken glass or rusted metal-Burning paint into the stones-Cave dwellings in the desert-Trading coins with horses
48" x 108" on wood
acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, silkscreen from original drawings
NOTE: Prices do not include shipping, which ranges from $15-40 for most paintings. Shipping will be invoiced separately once I know your location. I use either FedEx Ground or trackable US mail.
Please email for a shipping quote.