All Level In-Studio Workshop "Freedom And Expression" - May 30th - June 1st Fri-Sun
WORKSHOP limited to 12 students
Dates: May 30th - June 1st Fri-Sun
Hours:10:00am - 5:00pm
location - Jesse Reno and Melissa Monroe studio located in NE Portland, 97220
questions? EMAIL jesse@jessereno.com
Class Description
My classes are accessible to those who have never painted or drawn in their lives, and will teach even the most seasoned artists new ways of creating and addressing their work.
With a daily schedule of demonstration and lecture.
each day will include various painting demos on techniques, and engagements in the creative process.
we will combine these lessons to create pieces rich in variation, and ideas that enocurage dialogue within the work.
through the process we will learn to let mistakes lead us forward rather than stop us. rather than struggling with an idea we learn to recompose and reconceptualize our path.
these collisions and detours will lead us to a new, richer understanding.
we continue until we find fulfillment as we search for a full story and experience.
Sign up
Price: $750
includes 3 full days of instruction, all Supplies provided and included
To sign up pay the deposit of $200.00 to secure your
Payment can be made via check, paypal, venmo, or money-order. You will receive an email confirming your spot soon after your payment is received.
If you are not paying via paypal please email the class registrar at jesserenoworkshop@gmail.com to hold your space.
This 200$ reservation
deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE. The remaining 900$ must be paid in full 2
months before class (March 28th, 2025) unless other paymet plans have been made.
You can use this paypal button to pay your deposit, final payment or make the payment in full.
Deposits and Cancellations
In the case of cancellations there will be NO REFUNDS made less then 2 month before class.. the 200$ hold deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. If you can find a person to fill your spot, we can move them into your spot and you can get a refund of your deposit from your replacement student.
email me at that time to work out the details.
here is a quick one minute process video to give you an idea

Imagining the Unimaginable – with Jesse Reno
In this mixed-media painting class you will learn to create paintings that emerge from an abstract base of markings, colors, line, and shape to form expressive and organic forms and enviorments. You will learn painting and mark-making techniques that will encourage imagery and connection to your work. Through a series of painting exercises, you will explore and express your ideas by imagining what could be created from abstraction rather than confining your ideas to predetermined outcomes.
Within the process, we will create narrative dialogue by noting what we see and feel in our work. Through the practice of subtractive painting we will remove the parts that are no longer relevant or keep us trapped from progress. This teaches us choice and freedom to change direction in our work. We continually build layers within our paintings combining fragments of past ideas with the new until we arrive at a feeling of completion. Through this engagement we learn to experiment, take risks, re-associate our work from perspectives unconfined by our expectations. This allows us to see things clearly and move to a more expressed and personal engagement when painting.
Using simple materials and techniques you will
be free to express yourself within your
paintings in new ways – finding yourself as a
painter from the raw base of art, learning
your personal likes and dislikes, connecting
you to your practice and imagery. using
experimentation and instinct, you will learn to imagine the unimaginable.
My process is a mix of having an idea and following it, and forcing new ideas into the painting that are unknown. Then waiting to see if a connection is formed between these unknown elements within the work.
Its those unknown ideas that really make the work meaningful and interesting to me.
When ive been creating for days and the story ive been telling myself suddenly shifts to reveal something i hadnt even thought of.
In this way the process feels like illumination to me.
Enrollment limited to 12 students.

For visual examples of my work, bio, resume, and process please see my site
Class Information
Open Level Workshop open to all creatives looking to learn new techniques to integrate into their current style or just learn to start painting
- The studio work area is 1800 sq ft, with lots of natural light and space.
The entire area is set up for painting with lots of space outside and indoors to take a break.
Each Student will have their own work table and supplies.
Lodging close by includes air bnb's and hotels. When you sign up more information will be provided or feel free to email with questions
Supplies List
Everything you need to start painting is included in the class fee:
Blickrylic paint, brushes, black pencils, oil pastels, and painting surfaces.
There is nothing you need to bring besides your paint clothes!

Sign up
Price: $750
includes 3 full days of instruction, all Supplies needed
To sign up pay the deposit of $200.00 to secure your
Payment can be made via check, paypal, venmo, or money-order. You will receive an email confirming your spot soon after your payment is received.
If you are not paying via paypal please email the class registrar at jesserenoworkshop@gmail.com to hold your space.
This 200$ reservation
deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE. The remaining $900.00 must be paid in full 2
months before class (feb 19th, 2025) unless other paymet plans have been made.
You can use this paypal button to pay your deposit, final payment or make the payment in full.
Deposits and Cancellations
In the case of cancellations there will be NO REFUNDS made less then 2 month before class.. the 200$ hold deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. If you can find a person to fill your spot, we can move them into your spot and you can get a refund of your deposit from your replacement student.
email me at that time to work out the details.
"Working with Jesse gets my creative juices flowing. He reminds me to dance with the paint, not to force a solution on the painting, but to respond to a combination of what is within me and what emerges on the canvas. Jesse's unique approach to life and painting inspire me to be more appreciative and curious about what I will discover next with the brush. He reminds me to be fascinated, patient, strong, gentle, delighted, and bold." - Jacqui Beck"I have taken 4 workshops with Jesse-each one I gained RENEWED perspective on approaching paintings from an "UNPLANNED" approach. He uses a variety of creative prompts, mark making, and exercise to jump start the creative process. I enjoyed his mix of class techniques-fast paced prompts, live demonstrations, and plenty of time to work independently with his guidance and input. Along with strengthening my painting techniques, I have also applied his techniques to my art journaling and have gained a new found trust in the creative process" - Jo K. Quetsch
"I've taken both a two day and a five day class with Jesse. The two day class gave me all the basics of his process. I credit him with being the person who got me painting. The five day class not only helped me to better understand his process, but it also made me be more aware of the choices - in particular, the choices I make regarding "contrast" in my paintings - in color, intensity, size and texture. The structure of his classes, with both demo time and work time keep things moving and allow plenty of time for questions and practice. His way of talking aloud while he is painting is really a helpful teaching tool. Jesse is funny and supportive. He understands that art is life and life is art. I loved painting with him!" - Samyak Yamauchi
View more student blog posts and testimonials...
click the image below to learn more about my start and career as an artist ...

Visit my youtube channel to view more interviews and videos showing my process.
Link to Press
Link to resume and statement..
Link to site with over 2000 examples of my work.. updated every week...