Work one-on-one with Jesse Reno!
55 Minutes - $100 (Special introductory rate)
Can't make it to a workshop or just want a one on one with Jesse? Skype or video chat with me to learn more about painting techniques, developing your Art business or career, and any other general questions about art.
I love teaching but I know not everybody can travel or commit to a full workshop experience with me. After many requests from my workshop students, I'm super happy to now be offering 55 minute sessions on Skype or other video chat.

Here are the 3 areas I can help with (and our time together could also be a combination of any of the below):
Let me share my experience with the business of art.
I know that increasing your confidence as an artist takes time and several steps. In a one-on-one Skype session with me, I will answer any questions you may have, and together we will take a look at what you can do next to increase your value in the art world with your work.
I'm a self-taught artist and have created 4000 paintings, and have sold 3,400 of those. I have my own gallery and studio in Portland (where I have also exhibited the work of other artists). My artwork has gone to private collections and shown in over 100 galleries all over the world. I have taught art workshops to well over a thousand students in the US, Canada, Mexico, France and Australia. I still remember the day I sold my first piece for $25 and was blown away that art could possibly be my job. I've never looked back since and I'm very grateful, BUT the journey of art and business can be a tricky one to navigate for all of us. I love helping colleagues and students figure out what it takes to make art your living, and believe in the value of your own work.
Maybe you're stuck on a painting. Maybe you want a better understanding of composition or color, or you need to get through a creative block. In a session focused on technique, you can email me photos of up to 5 pieces of work in advance of our appointment, then I can offer my observations, help you find a new way to see what could work best next, and any other help you might need with suggestions or technique application.
I'm also open if you just want to ask me questions about my own work, art philosophy, life, the universe and everything!
Unless I am traveling for workshops or openings, typical wait time for our appointment will be less than 2-3 weeks.
Sessions are offered Monday-Thursday, between 11am and 6pm, U.S. Pacific Coast time.
Once you make your payment, I will reach out to you with a couple of suggested times.
I can meet you on Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangout, or by phone.
Please reserve your session through Paypal below: